Monday, September 12, 2005

In a Galaxy far far away

Setting off to tackle Everest (The North Face)

Boldly going where no man has gone before

At Base Camp

Rod Johnson and helper creating the first spring prototype aka Ted and Eric in Killarney


At 2:32 AM, Blogger Zonski said...

Ah, the good old days. Nothing like climbing to the top of a mountain in an Irish summer (i.e. the pissing rain) only to encounter a group of hard core hikers decked out in full climbing gear (with spikey shoes, walking sticks and all that jazz). Then finding out they came up the "proper" way, a nice, solid path, while we scaled a cliff face that several people die on each year.

The kind of stuff that gives you a taste for sleeping under steam rollers in Tibet and chasing bears in Ecuador.



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